Nosotros empoderar j贸venes para que escriban las suyas historias.
Una comunidad emocionante, desafiante y solidaria donde los j贸venes autores prosperan
Con sede en Washington Heights, Uptown Stories ofrece talleres de escritura creativa despu茅s de clases, de fin de semana y de verano para ni帽os de 8 a 18 a帽os, dirigidos por maestros estrellas del rock, que tambi茅n son autores y artistas profesionales.
Los estudiantes aprenden el arte y el oficio de escribir, c贸mo revisar su trabajo y c贸mo dar y recibir comentarios constructivos. Cada taller termina con una lectura de celebraci贸n en la librer铆a WordUp de Washington Heights y la publicaci贸n de una antolog铆a de tapa blanda, para que todos los estudiantes abandonen nuestro programa como autores publicados.
Para garantizar que nuestro programa sea accesible para nuestra comunidad 茅tnica y econ贸micamente diversa, nuestra matr铆cula es 芦pague lo que pueda禄. Uptown Stories crea una comunidad emocionante, desafiante y solidaria donde los autores j贸venes prosperan.
Por qu茅 驴Escritura creativa?
Creemos que la escritura es una herramienta esencial para:
驴Est谩 listo para unirse a un taller?
For many of us, picture books are what first sparked a lifelong joy for reading and crafting stories. From Max's wild rumpus to Sam-I-am's obsession with green eggs and ham, these books stay in our hearts long after the last page has been read. In this bilingual workshop, we'll revisit our favorite children's books through the eyes of a writer and illustrator, getting to the bottom of what makes some books so memorable. Then we'll develop and write our own books - mapping out characters, plot and narration. We'll consider pacing, illustrations, and what special details we can add to keep readers coming back again and again.
You can create a story from scratch, explore a cultural children's story that has been shared with you, or dive into a timeless fairy tale, transforming it into a fascinating page-turner that's all your own.
It's time for you to be the master of your universe! Let's explore worlds of your own creation, inhabited by beings that only you can imagine. We'll work together鈥攚hether you prefer fantasy, science fiction, magical realism or dystopia鈥攖o bring your ideas to life. We'll map out stories rich in symbolism, unleash our hidden storytelling skills, and be each other's sounding boards along the way. If you've ever dreamed of another world, this is the workshop where you can make it happen!